

  • Birth sign: Pisces
  • Age: 32 years old
  • Preference: Straight
  • Sex: Female
  • Country: United States
  • City: Amarillo

About me

I am passionate about my goals and dreams. There was a time when I worried about being too selfish and at this point, I have learned that sometimes the person that should come first is yourself. I am working on my degree for Game development and plan to one day turn the books I have been writing into a game and get my books published. I love nature and enjoy spending my time outdoors when it's not overly hot otherwise, I spend my time indoors writing or playing video games.

CelticStorm has no friends.

CelticStorm's Personality Test Results

  1. Would you date someone from another race? Yes

  2. How would you breakup with some one? Face to face

  3. Are you currently employed? Yes

  4. Do you want children? Yes

  5. How often do you clean your house? Everyday

  6. Would you date someone who has a disability? Maybe

  7. What type of relationship are you seeking? I want marriage

  8. How would you describe your social personality. Shy - Reserved

  9. Are you OK with holding hands, kissing and hugging in public? (PDA) Yes

  10. How would you handle a breakup? Wait to heal then try dating again.

CelticStorm has no recent activity

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