

  • Birth sign: Taurus
  • Age: 42 years old
  • Preference: Straight
  • Sex: Male
  • Country: United States
  • City: Junction City

About me

Hi my name is vida am 34 years and single with no kids and am new on this site,I think I am very Honest. At least this is what people tell me. I am kind and I am very respectful. I don’t like to quarrel and I always try to find compromise in any kind of situation. I love to be around people and that is why I think I chose to be a guide. I am very open to new things in my life. I have lived in more than just one country so I am not afraid of moving to another place where my love calls me to be. I love to lead a healthy lifestyle..I am looking for a man that will see me and feel that I am what he needs. There are many words to say about his qualities, but I want to leave it as a surprise to myself. I am sure that after meeting him I will have right feelings in heart. The age has no value for me. The main thing is sincere qualities of the person And also am not here to play head games am really serious so if you are interested in me you can add me if you want

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