

  • Birth sign: Cancer
  • Age: 38 years old
  • Preference: Straight
  • Sex: Female
  • Country: United States
  • City: Alaska

About me

I'm a great lady looking for a great guy that can make me laugh! I never take anything too serious; seriously! I do not do well in relationships that have a lot of drama; it's way too much work. I learned along time ago to take it one day at a time...just "be". I'm happy and content with my life and will not settle for anything less from my partner. I have been on a paid dating site before and I think I was ripped off by their service..Now am a smart woman and seeking a smart guy who is very patient and can understand simple explanation,who will understand that contacting me is easy by looking at every word i say in a bracket and adding together to contact me outside this site (betty) i will like to know you more and better (quaye9988)..i seek real love and am using (gmail)..take care

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